Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Questions and Answers for Q6 and Q7

Q6. How many kinds of animals are there in the world?

<Vertebrate Animals>

Mammals  5,490
Birds  9,998
Reptiles  9,084
Amphibians  6,433
Fishes  31,300
Total Vertebrates 62,305

These illustrate the numbers of kinds of animals as of 2010.
According to the data, it is clear that fishes have the largest amount of numbers while we, humans are the minority animals compared with other kinds of animals.

Q7. How many endangered animal species are there now?

Animal Species Extinction StatisticsNumber of Species
Number of Animal species that have gone extinct801
Number of Animals that are extinct in the wild64
Number of Animals that are critically endangered3,879
Number of Animals that are endangered5,689
Number of Animals that are vulnerable10,002
Number of Animals that are near threatened4,389
Number of Animals that are least concern27,124

As the table graph above shows, it can be seen that as many as roughly 10,000 species are endangered as of 2013. Giant panda is one of the endangered species and a great care for the specie has been taken by many groups such as WWF.

Osborn, Liz . "Number of Species Identified on Earth." . Current Results, n.d. Web. 18 June 2014.
"Total number of extinct species." . endangeredspeciesinternationa, n.d. Web. 18 June 2014.
"Endangered Species Statistics." Statistic Brain RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 June 2014.
"." World Wildlife Fund, n.d. Web. 18 June 2014.


  1. Hi Kento & Shinji,
    I'm happy to see that you referred to a variety of sources, you gave references (in MLA style) for each of them, and you made the URLs hot links. If you had only used the first reference (from the "Current Results" website) I would have been a bit suspicious because that site has news on a whole range of scientific matters, but it's summarized by one Canadian woman, who isn't even a scientist and she doesn't say where she got her data. The Endangered Species International site is especially interesting and the interactive map on their home page is very user friendly. The credibility of NGOs is at stake when they give information, so it's likely that they will be careful and use reliable sources. Therefore, the World Wild Fund's website probably has information on it that can be trusted. No one would donate to a group that spreads outright lies or misinformation. Nice job.

  2. The information was very interesting. I didn't think there were so many endangered species.

  3. I was surprised that there are a lot of animals that are endagered.

  4. Interesting graphs. I thought there would be much less amount of endangered speccies.
